Thin sections arrived

We just got back a first set of thin sections from our first batch of experiments and they look magnificent. Saleh deformed 50:50 and 70:30 mixtures of quartz and k-feldspar with a initial grain size of ≈10 µm at 800 MPa confining pressure and 750˚C.  Below is a optical micrograph of a 70:30 mixture where one can see the extension of the minor phase (qtz in this case) sub-parallel to the shear zone boundary. Alumina forcing blocks are white and the rock is darkish due to its fine grain size. We are very excited to study these rocks in the SEM to see more details at higher magnifications.

University of Pennsylvania

Matěj gave a talk at the seminar of University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia about reactive melt migration. It was a pleasure to visit and see all the experimental labs at UPenn.

Beautiful Hayden Hall, the home of Earth Sciences at UPenn

First real-rock experiment!!!

Yesterday we have finished our first real rock experiment after a long time of testing and calibration of our deformation apparatus. Saleh masterfully prepared his first sample so that it survived all the pressurization with no problems. The sample is a 50:50 mixture of quartz and feldspar and it was hot-pressed at 1 GPa confining pressure and 900˚C for 10 hours.

First sample in its golden jacket. Note the perfect thermocouple position right in the middle of the shear zone


Image analysis short course

We had a great time during the famous “Image Analysis in Geosciences” workshop which was run during the “Independent Activity Period” at MIT by Prof. Renée Heilbronner and Matěj. We had 7 participants from MIT/WHOI and 14 students from all around the world. A shout out for the most motivated traveler goes to Bhathiya who came all the way from Tohoku University in Japan.

Students at work
Workshop participants, from left to right: top row: Bhathiya Athurupana (Tohoku University, Japan), Kadie Bennis (Univerisy of Missouri), Hamed O. Ghaffari (MIT), Wenlian Xiao (MIT), Matej Pec (MIT), Saleh Al Naser (MIT), Tarryn Kim Cawood (USC) middle row:Thomas Birren (Iowa State), Caroline Seyler (McGill), Noah Phillips (McGill), Renée Heilbronner (Uni Basel, Switzerland), Hamid Soleymani (CUNY), Hannah Riegel (University Camerino, Italy), Clara Cogswell (Wellesley) bottom row: Veselina Yakimova (University of Alaska, Fairbanks), Jianhua, Gong (WHOI / MIT), Pragnyadipta Sen (Illinois University), Elizabeth Nadin (University of Alaska, Fairbanks). not on picture: Alexander Lusk (USC), Leif Tokle (Brown), Christina Hernandez (WHOI), Eric Deal (MIT)

AGU New Orleans

Two oral presentations will be given by the PecLab at AGU. Matej will talk about “The Influence of Lithology on the Formation of Reaction Infiltration Instabilities in Mantle Rocks” on Wednesday at 3:10 p.m.  Hamed will talk about “Supersonic Localized Excitations Mediate Dynamic Failure” on Friday at 3:25 p.m. Come and listen to some of our exciting new results!

Saleh and Emilie finished their first assembly

Saleh and Emilie have finished all the steps necessary to prepare a sample assembly.  The first sample assembly is always more time consuming as one has to master many different skills from precious metal welding to salt pressing and drilling.

Proud experimentalists

Emilie prepares an alumina piston for cutting

Hamed supervises Saleh during parallel polishing of alumina pistons