Here we publish links to reduced data sets produced in our laboratory during NSF-funded research.  Raw data can be obtained by contacting us.

  1. Collaborative Research: An Experimental Investigation of Reactive Melt Channelization in Partially Molten Rocks

Peer-reviewed publications:

Conference abstracts:

  • Pec, M., Holtzman, B., Zimmerman, M., Kohlstedt, D., (2017) Experimental Insights on the Reactive Melt Migration in the Upper Mantle (Invited talk). Goldschmidt conference, Paris, France
  • Pec, M., Holtzman, B., Zimmerman, M., Kohlstedt, D., (2017) Reactive Melt Migration in the Upper Mantle. DRT, abstracts volume, pp 104, Inverness, U.K
  • Pec, M., Quintanilla-Terminel, A., Holtzman, B., Zimmerman, M., Kohlstedt, D., (2016) Grain-scale alignment of melt in sheared partially molten rocks: implications for viscous anisotropy, EGU, EGU2016-9561, Vienna, Austria
  • Pec, M., Holtzman, B., Zimmerman, M., Kohlstedt, D., (2016) Morphology of melt-rich channels formed during reaction infiltration experiments on partially molten mantle rocks. EGU, EGU2016-9758, Vienna, Austria
  • Pec, M., Holtzman, B., Zimmerman, M., Kohlstedt, D., (2015) Reaction infiltration instabilities in partially molten rocks. AGU, DI31B-2576, San Francisco, U.S.A.

reduced data:

List of experiments published in Geology (2015) and Journal of Petrology (accepted)

Pp – pore pressure, φ – melt fraction. – partially molten rock length, w0 – background melt flow velocity, RL – reaction layer, Yb – ytterbium doped melt reservoir, Pr – Praseodymium doped melt reservoir. All experiments were conducted at 300 MPa confining pressure.